March 27, 2025

Home Insurance FAQ’s

Homeowners Insurance FAQ’s

Shopping For Homeowners Insurance Quotes

You found the perfect home. Now you need to find the right insurance to cover and protect one of your biggest investments. The right homeowners insurance is just as important as that perfect home.  In today’s economy, the price of your homeowners insurance is just as important as having the right amount of coverage.  Don’t be tempted to go with just the lowest price on the insurance policy.  Some companies are not  highly rated because they don’t have the assets to cover lots of catastrophic loses.   Make certain your homeowner’s policy protects your property and  the assets. Properly covering your property and assets doesn’t mean you have to buy the most expensive policy either.

Lots of homeowners can lower their homeowner’s insurance premium by just raising the deductible, or  putting their home and auto insurance together  and getting a package discount for packaging the policies together with the same insurance company, or asking what other discounts are available.  Some of these discounts include; senior citizen, preferred builder, being located in a gated community, having a central monitored burglar and fire alarm,  a new home purchase, or just having certain jobs (or being retired from those jobs)  such as being a civil servant, law  enforcement, firefighter, teacher/ educator, Federal, State, County, City employee, or a Utility employee. Some companies provide  discounts for longevity with the insurance company.  Ask us how we can lower your insurance premiums.


The Right  Way to Shop For a Homeowners Insurance Quote

Compare homeowner’s insurance quotes and pick the one that fits your needs the best. Compare the coverage’s of each quote. Make certain you include any valuables  on the policy such as jewelry, expensive or antique furniture, electronics, appliances, etc.  Remember to take video or photos of your valuables and include make, model, and serial numbers (if applicable).  Put that documentation in a safe deposit box at a bank, or a fire proof safe. Make a copy and  have a family member keep it at their house.

Keep an eye on your homeowners insurance. Rates can change annually and often do. It pays to shop your policy around.  Let us shop your insurance for you.  We will provide you with the best insurance rate available.